My ongoing research-based practice looks at various areas of applied media in digital art, technology and neuroscience; my work also crosses with social design and invisible disability (mainly my own neurological disability of CNS).

I am a creative technologist, published author and artist of several books and papers; my work has been actively exhibited and showcased internationally. I have worked and collaborated with many institutions, including the Computer Arts Society, Mozilla Foundation, NESTA, Amnesty International, BBC, Hearing Health Foundation, British Medical Journal, Disney, TATE, V&A, Watermans and Thames&Hudson.

I am a University Fellow, also member of "The Higher Education Academy – UK Professional Standard" for teaching and learning in University setting.

'I like to explore and be dynamic in my work, and it is important that my practice is part of an ongoing conversation on the role of the arts in various sectors. This web-gallery is a sort of archive and progression of some of my practice; not everything is available online of course, but I want to keep this space as an evolving reflection of my artistic development. I have been lucky to have worked, collaborated and met with amazing people in various professional fields; this has enabled shaping experiences that also inspire my own artistic development and commitment. I enjoy practicing with creative techniques such as illustration, photography, technology, garden design, digital and mix-media, all using up-cycling (as a meaning of new life) methods.'